NBC-17 "Biotechnology Creating Opportunities"

On the 16th of May, 2017 the NBV organizes the 17th Dutch Biotechnology Conference (NBC-17). The theme of NBC-17 will be Biotechnology Creating Opportunities. During this day there will be several activities, such as keynote speakers, parallel sessions, poster presentations and networking opportunities.
The event will take place at hotel De Wageningsche Berg. The location is very well reached by car. More information about the location can be found here.
More updates about the programme of the NBC-17 will be provided via NewsFlashes, the NBV website, C2W magazine and LinkedIn in the coming months. For more information and registration, click here.
The registration for the poster and parallel sessions is now opened. You can register for the NBC-17 and therewith submitting your abstract. You can also submit your abstract apart from your registration.
The deadlines for abstract submission are March 17, 2017, for orals, and April 17, 2017, for posters.
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