Farewell Symposium Sef Heijnen

Design of Bioprocesses: What did we learn, where to go?
17-18 November 2016, Delft, the Netherlands
Sef Heijnen is professor in the field of Biochemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology since 1988. This year he will retire and on this occasion a farewell symposium will be organised, which will highlight the latest developments in his field of Biochemical Engineering research.
The symposium will take place on Thursday 17 November and Friday morning 18 November 2016. On Friday afternoon 18 November, 15:00h Sef will give his Farewell address as professor (valedictory speech) in the Aula of the TU Delft.
Design of Bioprocesses: What did we learn, where to go?
17-18 November 2016, Delft, the Netherlands
Sef Heijnen is professor in the field of Biochemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology since 1988. This year he will retire and on this occasion a farewell symposium will be organised, which will highlight the latest developments in his field of Biochemical Engineering research.
The symposium will take place on Thursday 17 November and Friday morning 18 November 2016. On Friday afternoon 18 November, 15:00h Sef will give his Farewell address as professor (valedictory speech) in the Aula of the TU Delft.
The symposium program will cover the following topics:
- Scale-up / scale-down of bioreactors
- Selecting microorganisms by bioprocess design
- Thermodynamics of microbial metabolism
- Evolutionary engineering of microbial cells
- Systems biology for designing microbial cells
- Origins of life
Confirmed speakers
- Bas Teusink (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands) – Solving Metabolic Riddles
- Cees Dekker (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Towards synthetic cells built from the bottom up
- Cees Haringa (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Scale-up/Scale-down using Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Cristian Picioreanu (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Modelling of biofilms
- Hans Westerhoff (VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands) – Laws in biology
- Jack Pronk (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Evolution in the laboratory
- Jeff Lievense (Genomatica San Diego, USA) – Design of biotechnological processes (1,4 BDO)
- Matthias Reuß (University of Stuttgart, Germany) – A short history of Sef Heijnen & Biochemical Engineering
- Mieke Boon (University Twente, Enschede, Netherlands) – Philosophy
- Nick Lane (University College London, United Kingdom) – “The vital question” on origin of life
- Rene Rozendal (Paques BV Balk, Netherlands) – Waste to resource
- Rene Wijffels (Wageningen University, Netherlands) – Scale-up of cultivation of micro-algae and cyanobacteria
- Robert Mans (TU Delft, Netherlands) – CRISPR/Cas9: rapid design & construction of yeasts strains
- Robin Schumacher (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Enrichment for increased free energy conservation in yeast
- Sander Tans (FOM Institute AMOLF Amsterdam, Netherlands) – Suprizes at the single-cell level
- Ton van Maris (University of Stockholm, Sweden) – Engineering energy metabolism
- Vassily Hatzimanikatis (EPFL-ISIC, Lausanne Switzerland) – Integrative modelling approaches
- Yuemei Lin (TU Delft, Netherlands) – Biopolymers from waste streams
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