Young NBV founded

During the last board meeting it was decided that the NBV will be founding a new working group, called Young NBV. Young NBV will be the ninth working group of the NBV.
The work group Young NBV is specially founded for NBV members of 35 and younger. Thereby, the NBV aims to stimulate and support young professionals and students in the field of biotechnolgy. By supporting young members, the NBV focusses on the future.
Currently, the NBV contacted Hanzehogeschool (Groningen), Van Hall Larenstein (Leeuwarden), Wageningen University, Delft/Leiden University and the Radboud University in order to discuss possibilities and needs of (possible) young members.
Femke Feenstra is appointed as the work group leader. After finishing her study in biotechnology at Wageningen and obtaining her PhD, she is currently working as a R&D scientist for Merial. She will be supported by Pauline Krijgsheld and Peter-Leon Hagedoorn from the board. During the next months, Young NBV will become more and more active.
Interested in actively contributing to the Young NBV? Sent an email to Richèle Wind.
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