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Over Dutch Biocatalysis Symposium 2024 (BiocatNL)

Dutch Biocatalysis Symposium 2024 (BiocatNL)

Dutch Biocatalysis Symposium 2024: BiocatNL-2024

BiocatNL is organised yearly by the NBV work group Applied Biocatalysis

Biocatalysis is an active research field in several academic research groups in the Netherlands. Also, a large number of biotechnology companies develop and/or use enzymes for their processes. To promote interactions in the field of applied biocatalysis and to inform a broader audience, the working group Applied Biocatalysis of the Dutch Biotechnology Society (NBV) is organizing the BiocatNL-2024 symposium to highlight developments in biocatalysis. Besides contributions from academia and industry, young researchers (PhD students) are invited to give a pitch talk on their research. From the pitch-talk applications, 5 presenters will be selected.

Date & location


All participants need to register:

Register here

NBV members join free of charge. Non-NBV members pay €25 registration fee.

Become NBV member here.


13:00   Dr. Kristina Haslinger (University of Groningen)
Mapping the substrate promiscuity landscape of enzyme families to inspire the design of new biosynthetic pathways

13:40      Dr. Vasilis Tseliou (University of Amsterdam)

14:10      break

14:50    Ruth Chrisnasari (Wageningen University)

15:20      TBA

15:50      break

16:20      TBA

17:00      pitch talks (5 minutes talks by early career researchers)

17:30      drinks & snacks = borrel


Registration is free of charge for NBV members. Non-members pay € 25,-.

Register now!